HBO Max premiered “The Gilded Age”, a period-based drama series featuring the famous mansions of Newport, Rhode Island, the summer playground for America’s wealthiest at the turn of the century. The series was a cultural hit, creating an opportunity to focus attention on the state and inspire potential visitors to experience Newport for themselves.
Key Strategies and Tactics
To capture attention, and build the database the agency created the “Get Gilded Sweepstakes” 3-month-long sweepstakes —with multi-tiered prizes. Potential visitors were asked to enter for a chance to win an all-expense paid visit to Rhode Island to tour the mansions in person. Entrants were encouraged to share the promotion on social media for additional entries into the sweepstakes. The agency created the “Get Gilded” landing page as well as programmatic digital banners in key drive and fly markets.

Digital display banners were purchased programmatically targeting fans of the “Gilded Age” show as well as potential visitors who appreciate heritage and history.


Print creative gave us the opportunity to describe the promotion in more detail, appearing in publications targeting heritage and history buffs across the U.S.


Outdoor was positioned in key Rhode Island drive markets to heighten awareness and excitement about the promotion.


The agency used an innovative email strategy to take advantage of existing databases targeting fans of history, the existing Visit Rhode Island database, and entries to develop look alike targeting that is being used for an expanded targeted effort.

Gilded Age was a success for HBO Max with fans eagerly awaiting Season 2, while the campaign featuring Rhode Island generated more than 5.2 million impressions, and almost 75,000 clicks with a 5.5% conversion rate. The campaign produced 20,000 referrals, and the sweepstakes garnered nearly 50,000 unique entries, while Twitter followers swelled by more than 4,000.
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